
National Visa – Category D: Voluntary Service (Bundesfreiwilligen Dienst)

20.01.2025 - Article


Your application set has to be sorted as follows:

Please don’t staple the application form or the documents


Videx Application Form

  • Fully completed in English or German, signed, and dated by the applicant himself.

  • Must be submitted as printout including the barcode page (page 7) and signed forms on page 5 and6.

  • If the applicant is under the age of 18, signed form “Authorization – Minors / Children under 18” needs to be attached including passport copies of parents/ legal guardian.



  • The original passport must be present & copies of the passport (personal data page including validity & signature pages) must be submitted.

  • UAE residency as well as Emirates ID must be submitted as copies.

  • It is recommended that the passport is valid for at least 1 year at the day of submission. Please be aware that a visa validity cannot exceed the validity of the passport.

  • Signed by bearer

  • Passport not older than 10 years (issued in the last 10 years)

  • At least 2 consecutive blank pages (i.e. a blank double page spread).

  • Special rules might apply for some nationals which passports are not recognized by the German authorities.


2 recent biometric passport sized photographs (3.5x4,5 cm)


  • Should NOT be older than 6 months.

  • A frontal view of the face covering 70-80% (32-26mm) of the photo.

  • A uniform and light-colored background.

  • Clear facial features and eyes – not covered by hair or glasses frame.

  • Head coverings are only accepted for religious reasons.

Do not glue or staple the pictures to the application form.


If applicable: previous stay in Germany / previous Schengen Visa

  • Copies of your old German residence permit

  • Copies of previous Schengen visa


Contract/Agreement for your voluntary service in Germany detailing the contract parties, contract duration, type of voluntary service, concrete activity/project, place of work and remuneration.


If applicable (only BFD, weltwärts, FSJ and FÖJ): proof of basic knowledge of the German language or written confirmation by the assignment location/the provider stating that you are not required to have German language skills or that you will attend German classes during the voluntary service.


Curriculum vitae (CV) specifying the certificates, diplomas and qualifications you have obtained & additional proof of previous and current academic studies (e.g. Bachelor’s and Master’s degree, Higher National Diploma)/professional training/work experience


Motivation Letter


Incoming medical insurance or proof public / private insurance covering the applicant as an expat in Germany has to be provided at the time of visa approval. A travel insurance is not sufficient.

More information to be provided during the interview.

Note further:

  • False or falsified documents will lead to the refusal of visa and / or further consequences.

  • The German Consulate Dubai reserves the right to ask for additional documents and / or call applicant for additional information or interview.

  • If your application is successful, you will be issued a limited-validity entry visa - similar to a UAE entry visa for longer stay. Once you have arrived in Germany, please register your new residence with the local authorities (Meldebehörde) within 2 weeks of having moved in.

Disclaimer: Although the information in this leaflet has been prepared with utmost care, we cannot accept any responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.

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